Allies Network
In Partnership with
West Midlands Strategic Leader
Stephen Rimmer
Preventing Violence against Vulnerable People
On the 18th September 2014 we had the honours to welcome in our premises the West Midlands Strategic Leader from the Home Office Stephen Rimmer, DCS Danny Long Head of the Public Protection for West Midlands Police, DC Gillian Squires Lead on FGM, Ms Karen Pearson Birmingham City Council Directorate of Children & Young People of Families Safe Guarding and Lisa Follows Senior Midwife of Balsall Heath Surgery.
Stephen Rimmer, along with the panel presented their individual roles in protecting vulnerable individuals from Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Domestic Violence (DV). The panel, also, explained how their differing roles joined up to work together on a strategic level.
Afterwards, there were group exercises on FGM, CSE and DV. The panel joined small groups of women around the tables and had the chance to have discussions about the various issues with the ladies. The participants asked intriguing and thought provoking questions which Stephen Rimmer and the panel welcomed.
On the whole it was a constructing event which the community participants enjoyed as well as our panel. Everyone appreciated the chance for people from statutory services to actually sit down and talk face-to-face with members of the community.