Allies Network delivers training to professionals from education, children’s services, health and beyond. Knowledge about FGM is vital given the numbers regarding FGM: Birmingham hospitals treat 100 FGM victims per month, while West Midlands Police received 118 referrals related to FGM in 2014
Allies Network FGM training educates professionals on origins of FGM, cultural contexts, the UK law and procedures to follow when reporting a girl at risk. The training is tailored to their job roles. So they are able to understand FGM in depth, spot the signs of victims and girls at risk, support and safeguard girls and women from this barbaric practice.
“The session was very nicely presented, knowledgable and very informative.”
“I’m now informed as to what signs to look out for and how to respond to these signs quickly and discretely.”
Allies Network in partnership with Health Exchange delivered an FGM Awareness Session at the Friends Institute in Moseley area.
If you are a professional and you want FGM training for you or your colleagues, please get in touch for more information on our training packages and fees through our Contact Form or at: